

Are You Making The “Big 3” Protein Mistakes?

Not checking for fat content Most protein sources have fat content — sometimes as much or more as the protein itself. Plus, fat has more than twice the calories per...


min read

The #1 Key To Toning After Menopause

How often have you wondered why it’s so much harder to get toned after menopause…Why nothing that you used to swear by seems to work anymore?There’s a simple reason...


min read


When Illness Throws Off Your Workout Schedule | Season 2 | Ep 129

Our host Nikkiey Stott tackles an obstacle many of us face on our fitness journeys: getting sick. When illness strikes, it can feel like a major setback, throwing a...

How To Stick To Your Fitness Goals | Season 2 | Ep 127

Welcome to Season 2 of The Macro Hour podcast!Kicking off the year with determination and grit? Still clinging to those New Year's resolutions? It's not just about ...

Overcoming Fitness Mental Barriers | Ep. 125

In this bonus episode of The Macro Hour, we revisit Season 1's most impactful moments. Discover how Nikkiey transcends low-energy hurdles and prioritizes her health...

Gratitude in Fitness | Ep. 124

This bonus mini episode of The Macro Hour Podcast explores the transformative power of gratitude in your fitness journey. Join us for the highlights from all of Sea...

Nikkiey Stott's Top Strategies for Setting & Achieving Big Goals | Ep. 118

This week we're revisitng our favorite bite-sized wisdom on setting and achieving BIG goals with Macro Hour Podcast host, Nikkiey Stott!Which clip is your favorite?...

4 Step Journey to a Stronger, Healthier Life in 2024

Join WarriorBabe cofounder Nikkey Stott on her transformative year-long journey, optimized with mindful healthy eating, key macro nutrition, and stellar workout rou...

Practical Tips for a Healthier You | Ep. 119

This special bonus episode brings together the most motivational insights, emphasizing the transformative power of strength training, a resilient mindset, and the u...

Motivation Won't Get You Far | Ep 113

Learn why relying solely on motivation can be a stumbling block and discover effective strategies to maintain consistency in your fitness journey, even when motivat...

Top Guest Moments on The Macro Hour | Ep. 112

This episode features the best moments from our guest interviews during Season 1! Join Nikkiey and grab your notebook--you're going to want to write this down--as w...


Practical Tips for a Healthier You | Ep. 119

This special bonus episode brings together the most motivational insights, emphasizing the transformative power of strength training, a resilient mindset, and the u...

Nikkiey Stott's Top Strategies for Setting & Achieving Big Goals | Ep. 118

This week we're revisitng our favorite bite-sized wisdom on setting and achieving BIG goals with Macro Hour Podcast host, Nikkiey Stott!Which clip is your favorite?...

Motivation Won't Get You Far | Ep 113

Learn why relying solely on motivation can be a stumbling block and discover effective strategies to maintain consistency in your fitness journey, even when motivat...

Top Inspiring Highlights with Nikkiey Stott: The Macro Hour Podcast's Best Moments | Ep. 111

Dive into the most inspiring and unforgettable moments from The Macro Hour Podcast with host Nikkiey Stott. This compilation features the best highlights and motiva...

How To Optimize Your Metabolism | Ep. 108

In this enlightening episode titled "How To Optimize Your Metabolism", we dive deep into the world of metabolic health. Discover the secrets to revving up your meta...

Fitness Extremes To Balance w/ Trainer Lindsey | Ep. 110

Join host Nikkiey Stott in this eye-opening episode as she dives into why macros are a game-changer, especially for women building muscle and bone strength. We'll e...

Top 5 Insights: How Alcohol Influences Muscle Building and Fat Loss | Ep. 107

Dive into the science behind your fitness journey with WarriorBabe Episode 107 reveals the Top 5 Insights on how alcohol impacts muscle building and fat loss. Uncov...

Gratitude Gains: Fueling Fitness & Well-being w/ Thankfulness Tactics | Ep. 106

Embark on a transformative journey with 'Gratitude Gains: Fueling Fitness & Well-being w/ Thankfulness Tactics' (Ep. 106). Discover actionable strategies to infuse ...

3 Reasons Your Weight May Not Change When Strength Training | Ep. 104

In Episode 104, discover the transformative power of strength training as we unravel the mystery behind stagnant weight changes.From muscle gain to metabolic shifts...

Begin Your Journey To A Stronger, Healthier You

Uncover what’s holding you back from getting toned & feeling confident in your skin!