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Get Toned And Change Your Body Composition

Gain proven processes, eliminate all confusion around diet and exercise, join a community of badass women, and achieve the toned body of your dreams

3 Steps to Setting Powerful New Year’s Resolutions

3 Steps to Setting Powerful New Year’s Resolutions

Most people wing it when setting their resolutions — but not YOU. You want to see results and you’re determined to follow through... Isn’t that why you’re here, after all? Now let’s dive into how to do it!

1. Concrete

It’s not enough to want to ‘lose weight’ or ‘gain muscle’. Vague goals create vague results! The more specific you can be, the better (which clothes you want to fit into, how much definition you want to see, how many pounds you want to drop in fat or gain in muscle, etc.). Your brain does its best work when it has concrete objectives, because clearer intentions lead to clearer action steps. And those actions are what ultimately create the results you want! Speaking of...

2. Actionable

Every goal must be translated into specific action steps to take shape. Whether you’re in a cut phase, build phase, or maintaining your macros to drop fat and build muscle gradually, that won’t happen unless you know what steps to take to get there. Otherwise, your strategy is built on hope — not what actually works! To bridge the gap, turn each outcome-based goal into an input-based one. Want to lose 10 lbs? Your ‘inputs’ might be 4 strength and 2 cardio workouts a week, with a slight reduction in daily calories (or an increase in calories if you’ve been undereating). This may take some trial and error on your own, but a macronutrient & fitness coach can help with that!

3. Realistic

Over the span of years, you should absolutely set the biggest, most audacious goals you want to achieve — but when it comes to your goals for this year or the first few months, it’s better to keep it real. Within a few years you can absolutely build a dream body composition that’s relatively easy to keep, but a few months of focused effort might not yield the final result you want. That’s okay! Know that lasting fitness takes time but is very doable — though it does require you to have a clear idea of what’s reasonable in the short term so you can achieve unreasonable results in the long term.

If you want personalized 1:1 help with building your own fitness plan and a body composition that lasts for the long haul, apply to become a WarriorBabe here!

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