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3 Ways to Break Out of a Rut on Your Fitness Journey

3 Ways to Break Out of a Rut on Your Fitness Journey

Ruts are normal, but they don’t have to stick. You can break free, and it often doesn’t take much to get started! Let’s take a look at 3 of the best ways to do it...

1. Revisit your roots

We all forget why we started sometimes — it’s normal. It’s even healthy — when we look back on the beginning of the journey, we realize how far we’ve come and whether we’re still aligned with our intentions. Ask how your goals and priorities have changed, and get super clear on what drives them. Then you can look at your current trajectory and see where you’ve been consistent (and where you haven’t). This makes it much simpler to find your motivation again and press forward with more excitement and energy than you’ve had in ages!

2. Shake up your routine

Sometimes we just need a good refresh. Try some new exercises that still support your goals. Exercise at a different time of day, or change up your weekly workout schedule. Master some new recipes. Or if you’ve been trying to do too much, rely on a few more store-bought healthy food options. This doesn’t have to be complicated — sometimes too much consistency can lead to stagnation. We don’t always need to push through or step back completely... Sometimes you’re doing the right stuff, but you just need to spice it up enough to keep it interesting. Small tweaks often work wonders for motivation!

3. Re-calculate your macros

A rut in your journey can also be a sign that you’ve kept the same macros for too long. It might be time to eat more and build some additional muscle — or go into a cut if your body composition is stable and you want to lose more fat. This takes some experience and intuition to do correctly, but you’d be amazed how many common issues are fixable through simple tweaks to your food! The most important thing is getting enough protein for your goals; if you do decide to decrease your calories, maintaining or even increasing your protein can spare you tons of headaches in the future.

If you want personalized 1:1 help with calculating your macros, breaking out of fitness ruts, and building a body composition that lasts for the long haul, apply to become a WarriorBabe here!

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