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How to Stay Consistent on Your Fitness Journey

How to Stay Consistent on Your Fitness Journey

Consistency isn’t easy — between food temptations, finding time, and life’s inevitable bumps in the road, there are endless setbacks waiting for us. Let’s explore 3 simple ways to reclaim your consistency, make the journey more sustainable, and stay on track toward your goals!

1. Pre-plan

One of the simplest antidotes to setbacks is to see them coming from a mile away. You can’t plan for getting sick, but you can anticipate how you need to tweak your macros while you recover. You can’t know that you’ll have no energy on a random Tuesday, but you can plan your workouts around your body’s natural rhythms. You never know when a friend will call to make last-minute dinner plans, but you can plan out your macros a day ahead of time and still make choices that support your goals.

Life is fullest when there’s spontaneity, but knowing your options in advance will ensure you have less room for error when stuff comes up!

2. Know your end goal

The journey will never feel like it’s worth it if you don’t know what you’re aiming for. Better health is a great pursuit. Losing 30 pounds can be, too. But if you don’t know what you want life to look like on the other end, or if you don’t have a good reason to get there, you’ll burn out long before you get there. Clarity lowers resistance. Drive motivates action. Keep your deepest reasons for building your ideal body composition front and center — you’ll find it much easier to stay the course and build an amazing body!

3. Control your time frames

Setting big goals is great, but only if you allow yourself an appropriate amount of time. If you want to lose some serious weight within a month, it’s tough to do it without making serious sacrifices in your health (and even then, it might be impossible). If you want to give yourself faster targets, great; just break your bigger goals into milestones. Every goal you don’t hit has the potential to discourage you, so position goals outside your comfort zone but ensure they’re still within your ability to control! To stay consistent, give yourself every advantage — and allow yourself a bit of grace.

If you want personalized 1:1 help with building your own fitness plan and a body composition that lasts for the long haul, apply to become a WarriorBabe here!

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