Kerry Matrindale
My name is Kerry Martindale, and I live in Connecticut. I have four children, three of which are triplets that are fifteen now and a twelve year old singleton.
My life is busy. As you can see, I'm doing this from my car because it's the only peace and quiet I can get. I do work forty hours. I work with adults with developmental disabilities, and I have struggled.
Since the triplets were born fifteen years ago, I had to undergo an immense amount of surgeries. I was physically fit before that. I felt fantastic, but wasn't the right kind of fit.
Would run twelve, fifteen miles just burning myself to the core and, with skinny fat, not strong.
And, I tried many, many different programs and, was just struggling. I kept getting struck struck down with needing surgery, hernia repairs, then the repairs had to be repaired and abdominal twists and different kinds of crazy things. And, every time I felt like I was getting back on my feet, I got knocked down again.
And about five years ago, I needed back surgery and another abdominal repair and hoped that that was my last, but didn't know what the back surgery would leave me to be able to do.
Since the back surgery, I was able to regain, the ability to cycle, which I was doing nonstop and just could not lose weight. I was at a hundred and seventy three pounds, and was barely eating enough to get through the cycling with my group. And what really I was struggling with was that I the concepts that I had, I was supposed to be losing weight because I wasn't eating more than I was burning, and I just wasn't eating enough. Wasn't doing it right at all.
I didn't know how to do it. I joined, like, three different programs. One was for women, which actually suggested masturbation, so I knew that wasn't the right program. Then there was the program of the paleo and keto, and I just started thinking more and more, and it just didn't seem like that would be the right way to go.
Although I did lose some weight on it, I just couldn't gain the strength.
Then I tried, another program, and I was just stuck. And I started to really study and trying to figure out what I needed to focus on. I was at the gym five days a week doing cardio left and right. Just couldn't get it down.
So I happened to come across Warrior Babes, and I looked at Nikki, and I just thought, gosh. If I could even get anywhere close to where Nikki's at, I would be fantastically happy. And I I read a little bit more and listened a bit more, and I thought, oh my gosh. This is the program for me.
Everything is mapped out. The that I'm supposed to have, regardless of what level you're at, you learn so much.
The modules teach you how to rethink food, how to rethink exercising, how to find balance. And that's really what I've been searching for for the last ten years as a crazy hectic mom. I'm just looking for balance, and this program allowed me to eat food, lift, which I absolutely love, and, exercise in a way that was fueling my body, feeding my muscles, and being able to eat. Gosh. Gosh. That I mean, it's a it's a prize.
So, I strongly suggest if if you're thinking about this program, if a mom of four, with two dogs, a mom of four, two dogs working forty, fifty, sixty hours a week can fit in the workouts and get to the business of this program, you definitely can too. I adore this program, and the availability that, Nikki has for, all of the Warrior Babes is phenomenal. And I just joined the VIP, and that has allowed me to get, programs designed specifically for me, for my goals, right away and, have a coach at my access, you know, whenever I need her, and she's fantastic.
I haven't met somebody that has been negative. Everybody is positive. We support each other. This is, a whole community. This isn't just a workout program for me. This is a whole community where you're you can ask a question on Facebook at any time, and people come up with, you know, supportive answers or guidance at least, this is an amazing and well encompassed, well thought out, educational program not only for your your body but also for your mind.