Maria Trapenasso
Hi, my name is Maria, I am 56 years old, I’m from New York city, and I run an HR consulting practice here in New York for my company. I first saw Nikkiey on Facebook. And the minute I saw her, I was intrigued. She looks phenomenal. I literally said to myself like that’s the body that I want, when I saw Nikkiey. And the more I listened, the more excited I got. And I have struggled with my weight all my life. I have been on any, every single diet you can imagine. I’ve done different things. I’ve even taken weight loss pills, I mean, you name it, I’ve done it. I’ve never really had a good relationship with food. And I’ve worked out all my life. I’ve been a tomboy since I was a kid. So any type of activities, sports, you name it, I’ve been, you know, I’m in it. Unfortunately, as you get older, your body changes.
So I just accounted me not reaching those goals to age. And, but the thing is, is that, the more I listened to Nikkiey, the more she made me believe that I could have the body I wanted, and I could have her body if I wanted it if I worked hard enough. And I was excited about that, I was really excited. And so, I think the great thing here is that the program gives you the tools that you need. I never counted macros before. I really had no idea on how to do that. I always counted calories. I had my fitness pal when I signed up. And so I just transitioned and use that from a macros. I joined in July. And I have since then, so I joined in July and it’s now January, so that’s about six months. In six months, I have lost 13 pounds, I have lost five inches on my waist, I’ve lost five inches on my hips, and none of my clothes fit me. Absolutely nothing fits me. Literally down to my underwear. I know that sounds crazy, but I have never seen a transformation in my body the way I have with this program.
I think that one of the most important things that Nikkiey affords you is information. And she not only gives you information about food and about how food affects your body and that you need to actually eat, because I’m sure there’s a lot of undereaters out there as well. But she helps you to understand that all of the things that we’ve been hearing all this time has most probably been wrong. We need carbs, we need fats. We definitely need protein in order to build muscle. And I was so grateful for that information. The other thing is, is that what’s really cool is that Nikkiey understands the human composition, she understands muscles. she understands exactly what you need to do to achieve the results that you want, and she shares that knowledge with us, and it’s just amazing. I would have to say too, that one of the main things that I’ve really enjoyed about the program is the community. I have never ever seen such awesome women in a community.
Any time that you have a question, anytime you’re struggling with something, even if it’s a day-to-day thing, I mean, I’ve seen people put stuff on there, like “I’m just really having a bad day.” There is so much encouragement. I’m having a bad day and my workout went haywire. There’s encouragement to just get back on the horse and keep going. One of the main things that Nikkiey said that really stuck with me, two things actually. One is that this is really a mindset change. You need to change the way you relate to food, which I have. And I also have to realize that there’s no end goal. Like my goal is to continually improve my body composition. And when I get to where I wanna be, there’s still more room for growth and to get better. I love this program. I can’t say enough about it. I love the women. There’s also an awesome administrative team. I also get on calls and actually get to speak with Nikki about my progress and how I’m doing and the things that need to be tweaked. I can’t say enough about it. I’ve never looked like this in my life.
My husband is very happy actually. I’m very happy. I feel confident, I feel great about myself. I wanna see how much more I can do. I feel strong at the gym. I look forward to my workouts. I love my workouts. I love seeing my body composition change in so many ways. And I’m really excited to see what’s to come. And if you’ve tried a whole bunch of other things and you just want something that really works, something that you can stick with and something that’s gonna be a longterm life change, then maybe this for you. I’m loving it. Have a great day.